Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Security Awareness Training

Cybercrime is the fastest growing crime in the world. Some reports suggest that you are 20 times more likely to be robbed while at your computer by a cybercriminal overseas than held up in the street. There are approximately 4000 cyber-attacks everyday - that’s 170 attacks every hour, or almost 3 attacks a minute. You may be asking why are these crimes so prevalent, and so hard to fight? Globally, laws restricting digital crime vary. As much as 70% of cybercrime crosses national borders, which can make solving cybercrimes a problem that must be tackled through international cooperation, and with the UN reporting that a third to half of all nations have insufficient legal framework to criminalize extraterritorial cybercrimes, it can be difficult for law enforcement to bring these criminals to justice. 

To protect your business and yourself, educate your employees. Employees are your first line of defense against cyber-attacks. Participating in ongoing security awareness training is key in reducing the risk and reminds your employees of security best practices. 

DCR offers Security Awareness training free of charge to ensure that your employees understand the policies and procedures of your organization.

The best security technology in the world cannot help you unless employees understand their roles and responsibilities in safeguarding sensitive data and protecting your resources. 

To find out more about the Security Awareness Training offered by DCR, contact Terry or Chantry at 918-436-1830!

Monday, June 5, 2017

New Website Design!

We are busting at the seams with excitement about our newly redesigned website! The new design is clean and uncluttered, with improved functionality for quick and easy access to essential information, and we are ready to show it off! 

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Tax Season Security

It is that time of year when tax season is in full swing. You are probably getting ready to send your documents to your tax preparer, but, are you sending them securely?

While your tax preparer is a highly trusted advisor, the highly sensitive data contained in tax documents is an identity thief’s dream. Think of all the crucial identifying information that these documents consist of—names, addresses, social security numbers, bank account numbers, and tax id numbers, just to name a few.  If business owners and employees take a few extra steps to ensure the security of this information, the chances of identity theft are
dramatically reduced.

The list below provides suggestions for keeping your documents secure, reducing the risk of  your business becoming a victim.

  •  Delivering documents IN PERSON is the MOST secure. 
  • FAXING documents IS a secure option. 
  • Do NOT send documents via UNENCYPTED EMAIL
  • Only use an encrypted  FILE SHARING service. 
  • If your accountant connects to your system, invest in software specifically designed for SECURE REMOTE ACCESS, that includes a file transfer feature.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Password Security & Password Vaults

Do your passwords meet current security recommendations? 

Take a quick quiz to find out: 

1) Am I using a different password for every hosted application and website I login to?

2)  Are all of my passwords at least 14 characters long?

3) Do all of my passwords contain at  least one capital letter, one number and one special character?

If you answered “No” to any of these, you are at risk of a security breach.

Think of it like this — When you use one password, or a combination of similar passwords, for everything you access it is like possessing a master key that unlocks every door in your life. You would not rely on a single key to open the doors in your home, car, office, post office box, and safety deposit box. The same goes for your electronic life.In 2016, 62% of data theft victims were small to mid-sized businesses. 40% of these breaches were caused by external intrusions. Reusing a password, or using similar passwords, increases your risk of becoming part of these statistics.

How are you going to remember multiple passwords that meet the security standards? How can you be certain your end users have unique, strong, passwords for all of their hosted applications and websites without losing their minds?

The answer - a password vault. Password vaults store user names and passwords for each website. The vault encrypts each users password database with a master password, making the master password the only one you need to remember! Business grade solutions even push website login information to your end users without them ever having to know the passwords.

Contact DCR 918-436-1830 for more information.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Preventative Maintenance

Image result for preventative maintenance computers

The fundamental goal of a preventive maintenance plan is reliability and increased equipment life. Preventative maintenance includes procedures that check for efficient operation to enhance life expectancy of the hardware and insure energy efficiency.  

Preventative Maintenance is a regularly scheduled check up of your computer hardware to help ensure that equipment is maintained. All internal components are dusted to help machines avoid overheating or static charge. Machines are then inspected for any wear and damage. This service is typically performed semi-annually or annually.  Machines that are kept on a regular preventative maintenance schedule work less to stay cool - which saves your time and energy, and inspected machines generally last longer as issues are resolved before they become problems.

Following are some things to consider when deciding if preventative maintenance is something  you want to include in your managed services. 

1. Does your office have carpet or hard floors? It impacts the amount of dust in the air that will be sucked into your machines. 

2. Are there animals in your office?

3. Do you or your employees work on construction sites or in landscaping? This will result in dirt and debris being brought into office.

4. When was the last time your machines were cleaned?

Put your money into preserving your equipment and save on your bottom-line by subscribing to Preventative Maintenance services.

Contact your DCR Sales Rep at
(918) 436-1830 with any questions!